President (inclusive)

This Public Agreement for the purchase and sale of an information product (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is an official offer (public offer) of the online store, hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”, containing all essential conditions (provided for in Article 435 and Part 2 of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) for the provision of services by concluding an Offer Agreement with any individual who has accepted this public offer, hereinafter referr

1. Terms and definitions

1.1 Agreement for the purchase and sale of an information product - an agreement under which the Seller undertakes to install an information product intended for personal use to the Buyer. The agreement is published on the Internet at:;

1.2. A public offer is an offer of a product (service) in its advertising, catalogs, and descriptions of goods addressed to an indefinite number of persons, if it contains all the terms of the retail purchase and sale agreement;

1.6. An information product is an automated account management system that independently makes decisions about opening and closing positions based on a created program for trading on the interbank currency exchange market at free Forex prices;

1.4. Buyer – the user who accepted the offer;

1.5. Acceptance of an offer - full agreement with the terms of the offer by performing the actions specified in clause 4.3. Offer agreement;

1.6. An information product is an automated account management system that independently makes decisions about opening and closing positions based on a created program for trading on the interbank currency exchange market at free Forex prices;

1.7. The deposit is the amount deposited by the Buyer into the account of the interbank currency exchange market at free Forex prices after purchasing the Information Product.

1.8. The guarantee is a service provided upon additional payment by the Buyer of 12 percent of the amount of the Deposit, which consists of returning the Deposit amount if, when using the Information Product, the Deposit amount goes to a loss. The duration of the service is 12 months. The guarantee applies exclusively to the amount of the Deposit.

2. General provisions

2.1 This Agreement defines the procedure for the retail purchase and sale of the Information Product presented by the Seller via the Internet and in accordance with Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is the official public offer of the Seller;

2.2. Each Party guarantees to the other Party that it has the necessary legal and legal capacity, as well as all rights and powers necessary and sufficient to conclude and execute the Retail Purchase and Sale Agreement;

President (inclusive)

2.4. Relations between the Seller and the Buyer are governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, including § 2 ch. 30 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” dated 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1, Rules for the sale of goods by remote means, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 612 of 09/27/2007 and other legal acts adopted in accordance with them;

3. Subject of the offer

3.1. In accordance with the Agreement, the Seller undertakes to transfer the Information Product for personal use to the Buyer, and the Buyer undertakes to accept and pay for the Information Product or service based on the current price list published on the website

3.2. The Buyer confirms that at the time of concluding the Agreement, he received from the Seller complete, reliable and necessary information about all the necessary conditions and procedure for purchasing the Information Product;

3.3. This Agreement describes the general legal principles of interaction between the Seller and the Buyer. Detailed information regarding the current conditions for placing, processing, order fulfillment, and payment are indicated in the relevant sections of the website located on the Internet at the address:

4. Terms and procedure for selling an information product

4.1. After reviewing the price for the Information Product and other information located at the Internet addresses specified in clause 3, and selecting the type of service, the Buyer pays for the Information Product in accordance with the payment form provided on the website: After this, the Public Offer Agreement is automatically considered concluded.

4.2. Based on the payment received, the Seller notifies the Buyer of receipt of payment and requests all necessary information to launch the Information Product.

4.3. After the Buyer pays for the Information Product in full (100% prepayment), the Agreement comes into force.

4.4. The Seller begins to fulfill its obligations under this offer no later than 48 hours from the receipt of payment for the Information Product, subject to the availability of all the necessary information to provide the Information Product.

4.5. In the event that it is not possible for the Seller to provide the Information Product within the time period specified in clause 4.4, it notifies the Buyer of this no later than 24 hours from the date of receipt of payment. In this situation, the deadline for provision will be agreed upon additionally.

4.6. The Seller’s services are considered provided properly and in full if no complaint is made within 48 hours from the date of provision of the Information Product. In the absence of a complaint, the provision of the Information Product is considered to have been carried out properly.

4.7. The information product is provided to the client via email, which the Buyer indicates at the time of payment. By indicating his personal data (phone / e-mail) in the payment module, the Buyer gives his consent to their processing and use for sending the latter Information Product.

4.8. The paid Information Product is provided exclusively for personal use by the Buyer. It is prohibited to transfer the link to download the Information Product to third parties. Otherwise, the Seller is not responsible for the inability to download the paid Information Product by the Buyer himself. In this case, the Buyer has no right to demand back the money paid under the Agreement.

4.9. После оплаты тарифа, оплаченные средства возврату не подлежат

5. Financial relations of the parties

5.1. Payment for all goods provided to the Buyer is made on an advance payment basis.

5.2. Payment for goods provided by the Seller is made in Russian rubles.

5.3. Payment for goods is made in rubles. Conversion from foreign currency takes place at the current exchange rate.

6. Rights and obligations of the parties

6.1. The seller has the right:

6.1.1. At its choice, demand payment for the order or refuse to fulfill the Agreement if the Buyer, in violation of the Agreement, refuses to accept and/or pay for the product (service);

6.1.2. Not be responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided by the Buyer when placing an order.

6.2. The buyer has the right:

6.2.1. Demand a refund of the money paid if it is impossible for the Seller to fulfill the conditions under the Agreement;

6.2.2. Purchase, in addition to the Information Product, the Warranty service specified in clause 1.8. Agreement terms and conditions.

6.3. The seller is obliged:

6.3.1. Arrange for the provision of a link to the paid Information Product;

6.3.2. Consider the Buyer's claims and take measures to satisfy them;

6.3.3. Promptly notify the Buyer of all situations requiring additional approval.

6.4. The buyer is obliged:

6.4.1. Provide reliable information on the website when purchasing an Information Product and Warranty;

6.4.2. Pay for the cost of the Information Product and other services at the price indicated on the website:

6.4.3. Do not transfer the link to download the Information Product to third parties;

6.4.4. Do not carry out any independent transactions on the interbank currency exchange market at free Forex prices.

7. Special conditions

7.1. The Seller makes every effort to provide a high-quality Information Product, but, nevertheless, the Information Product is provided without any direct or indirect guarantee of future profitability, since past trading results are not a guarantee of future profitability.

8. Responsibility of the parties. Dispute Resolution

8.1. The Seller is not responsible, cannot act as a defendant in court and does not compensate for losses incurred by the Buyer due to the actions or inaction of third parties;

8.2. The Seller is not responsible for the Buyer’s incorrect choice of the Information Product that is the subject of the Sales Agreement;

8.3. The Seller is not responsible for losses caused to the Buyer as a result of the Buyer providing false information (information), as well as those caused by the actions (inactions) of the Buyer;

8.4. The total liability of the Seller under the Agreement, for any claim or claim in relation to the Agreement or its performance, cannot exceed the amount of payment paid by the Buyer to the Seller under the Agreement;

8.5. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with current legislation;

8.6. The Parties shall take all necessary measures to resolve disputes and disagreements arising in connection with this Agreement through negotiations;

8.7. If the Parties are unable to resolve disputes and disagreements arising in connection with this Agreement through negotiations, these disputes and disagreements are subject to consideration in court at the location of the Seller;

8.8. Issues not regulated by the Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9. Duration, changes and termination of the contract

9.1. Acceptance of the offer by the Buyer (in accordance with Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) creates an agreement on the terms of the offer;

9.2. The offer agreement comes into force from the moment the offer is accepted by the Buyer and is valid until the Information Product is received by email or another delivery method at the Seller’s choice, or until the offer agreement is terminated;

9.3. The Buyer agrees and acknowledges that changes to the offer entail the introduction of these changes into the agreement concluded and valid between the Seller and the Buyer, and these changes come into force from the moment the amended offer is published on the Seller’s website;

9.4. The contract may be terminated early:

9.4.1. By agreement of the parties, at any time, but no later than the day the Information Product is sent by mail (or other delivery method at the seller’s choice);

9.4.2. At the initiative of the Seller in the case provided for in paragraphs. 6.4.2, 6.4.4. Agreement.

10. Risk warning

10.1. The Seller, by providing the Information Product presented on the website, does not provide direct or indirect guarantees that the Buyer will receive profits in the future. On the product description page, the Seller indicates its capabilities based on personal experience or testing. The test results themselves, personal experience or monitoring in the past, do not guarantee the same results in the future and indicate to the Buyer the possibility of making money. Margin trading on the Forex market is a high-risk way of making money and by using the Information Product, you assume all risks associated with this activity of partial or complete loss of your deposit. You accept that the Seller is not responsible for losses incurred by you when trading using the Information Product.

10.2. The Seller does not provide the Buyer with services for trading in financial markets using leverage (these services are provided by Forex brokers) and is not responsible for the poor quality of the Information Product. The Seller provides exclusively auxiliary programs for trading, which are designed to facilitate work in the financial market, however, the final decision on the use of signals from these programs is made by the Buyer. He is also responsible for the effectiveness of trading using/not using auxiliary programs.

10.3. Transactions on the international currency market “Forex” contain a high level of risk.

11. Risk warning

11.1. To fulfill their obligations under this Agreement, the Parties have the right to involve third parties, being responsible for their actions as if they were their own;

11.4. All correspondence and negotiations on the subject of the Agreement preceding its conclusion loses legal force from the date of conclusion of the Agreement;

11.4. All correspondence and negotiations on the subject of the Agreement preceding its conclusion loses legal force from the date of conclusion of the Agreement;

11.4. All correspondence and negotiations on the subject of the Agreement preceding its conclusion loses legal force from the date of conclusion of the Agreement;

11.5. The Agreement as a public Agreement - offer is posted on the Internet on the website:


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The website is engaged in the sale of software, courses and is not a forex dealer. To perform operations in the Forex market, you can use the services of licensed brokers, for example alpha - Forex. Alfa-Forma LLC has a license of a professional securities market No. 045-14070-020000 dated 12/20/2018 to carry out the activities of the forex dealer issued by the Bank of Russia. It was included in the register of licensed forex dealers in the section of professional participants in the securities market on the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. He is a member of the SRO STD “Association of Forex dealers”, Certificate of December 24, 2018, Forex Dieler number in the SRO members-009, Protocol No. 30 of December 24, 2018. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. COPYING MATERIALS FROM THE SITE IS PROHIBITED.